ADD VALUE – A timber frame roof system adds value and distinction to your home.

ALLOW DESIGN FLEXIBILITY – Roof systems are designed and engineered to meet the specifications of your building plan.

ARE COST EFFECTIVE – Even complex hip and valley joinery is fabricated with speed and efficiency in Custom Woodcraft local shop here in the Midwest. Components are numbered and ready to install when they arrive at the building site or preassembled based on size and access.

Timber Trusses - Timber Framed Home Construction



STRONG – Trusses are engineered to meet local building codes.

ACCURATE – Roof components are precut to an exacting standard.

EFFICIENT – Trusses are easy for builders to assemble and install saving valuable construction time.

BEAUTIFUL – Timber rafters and timber trusses add natural beauty to any room.

Trusses can generally be spaced 16′ apart if they are connected by purling spaced 4′ on center.

If purling do not fit the design of the house, additional trusses, placed closer together, provide the structure necessary to support the roof. Timber trusses create interest in the formal dining room of a conventionally framed home.  Many wood species to choose from. Pick up or delivery. Installation or drop-off. Structural or decorative. Traditional mortise and tenon joinery.

Custom Woodcraft Builders now sells direct to other builders and architect Beamery frames and trusses handcraft right here in Indiana.